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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৩rd ডিসেম্বর ২০২১

বিতরণ প্রকল্প

For the development of distribution system in the urban areas, BPDB takes different Town Distribution Projects. Before taking any Town Distribution Project, a study is conducted to asses different types of works required for the development. Similarly Rural Electrification Board develops distribution system in the rural areas through different Rural Electrification Program.

  • Minimizing the cost of laterals, feeders, sub-transmission systems, substations, equipment required for control and protection and cost of losses while respecting the limits set by permissible voltage values, voltage dips and flicker.
  • Maintaining service continuity, reliability and security of the system.
  • Taking into account factors like transformer impedance, insulation levels, availability of spare transformers and mobile substations, dispatch of generation and rates that are charged to customers.


Distribution lines through a country-side of Bangladesh For long term planning, the factors that are to be considered are:

  • The timing, location and type of energy demand
  • The duration and frequency of outage of equipment
  • Labor and money
  • Increasing or decreasing prices of alternative energy sources
  • Changing socio-economic conditions
  • Regulations of Federal and State governments

​Distribution planning involves various activities like load forecasting (type, location and amount), electrical and mechanical design, economic and other considerations in planning. Automation has also become important in distribution planning.