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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৩rd অক্টোবর ২০২৪

নবায়নযোগ্য জ্বালানী


1. নবায়নযোগ্য জ্বালানি সংক্রান্ত গ্রাহক অভিযোগ/ সমস্যা সংক্রান্ত হটলাইন -১৬২০০

2.Reports prior to Solar PV System Installation

3. Loadwise Installable Solar System


                                             Development of Renewable Energy Technologies by BPDB

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Solar Power Projects
  4. Wind Power Projects
  5. Hybrid Projects
  6. Micro/Mini Hydro Projects
  7. Energy Efficiency Measures
  8. Research Activities
  9. Contacts
  10. Implemented Projects Photo


Government has set up the goal of providing electricity to all by 2020 and to          ensure reliable and quality supply of electricity at a reasonable and affordable price. Sustainable social and economic development depends on adequate power generation capacity of a country. There is no other way for accelerating development except to increase the power generation by fuel diversification. Development of Renewable Energy is one of the important strategies adopted as part of Fuel Diversification Program. In line with the Renewable Energy policy 2009, the Government is committed to facilitate both public and private sector investment in Renewable Energy projects to substitute indigenous non- renewable energy supplies and scale up contributions of existing Renewable Energy based electricity productions. The Renewable Energy Policy envisions that 5% of total energy production will have to be achieved by 2015 and 10% by 2020. To achieve this target, GOB is looking for various options preferably Renewable Energy resources. Under the existing generation scenario of Bangladesh, Renewable Energy has a very small share to the total generation. The share of Renewable Energy exceeds more than 1% till now. The present Government is placing priority on developing Renewable Energy resources to improve energy security and to establish a sustainable energy regime alongside of conventional energy sources. Government has already launched "500 MW Solar Power Mission" to promote the use of Renewable Energy to meet the increasing demand of electricity.


Government of Bangladesh has taken a systematic approach towards renewable energy development. In line with the Government approach Bangladesh Power Development Board formed the Directorate of Renewable Energy and Research & Development in 2010. Since the very beginning of establishment the directorate is dedicated to keep a sign for the enhancement of Renewable Energy use in power sector. There is a good scope for solar, wind, biomass, micro/mini hydro power generation in Bangladesh. BPDB has taken systematic steps for developing Renewable Energy projects as well as implement and promote Energy Efficiency Measures for the last few years to achieve the target of the Renewable Energy Policy 2008. The directorate is established for feasibility study, planning, evaluation, examination, monitoring of such projects and to perform necessary research based works in relative fields. Present manpower of the directorate consists of the director, two deputy director, five assistant engineers and six staffs.  

Solar Power Projects

Implemented Projects:

Under the Hill Tracts Electrification Project BPDB has already implemented three solar projects in Juraichori Upazilla, Barkal Upazilla and Thanchi Upazilla of Rangamati District. Under 1st, 2nd and 3rd Phases, 1200 sets Solar Home Systems of 120 Wp each, 30 sets Solar PV Street Light Systems of 75 Wp each, 3 sets Solar PV Submersible Water Pumps of 1800 Wp each, 6 stes Solar PV Vaccine Refrigerators for the Health Care Centers of 360 Wp each and 2 sets 10 kWp capacity Centralized Solar System for market electrification has been installed. So, a total of 173.81 kWp Solar PV Systems have been installed in Juraichori, Barkal and Thanchi upazilla of Rangamati District under the Hill Tracts Electrification Project.

In the fiscal year 2008-09, BPDB implemented another two solar electrification projects in Angoorpota and Dohogram Chit Mohol. Under this program, BPDB implemented 2 sets Solar Home          System of 50Wp each, 2 sets Solar Home System of 80Wp each and 8 sets Solar Home System of 100Wp each. A total of 1.06 kWp Solar PV Systems have been installed in Angoorpota and Dohogram Chitmohol.

BPDB implemented 20.16 KWp Solar PV System and that was inaugurated by Prime Minister at the Office of the Prime Minister on December 2009. Major solar PV systems implemented by BPDB in the fiscal year 2010-2011 are as follows:

Ø 32.75 kWp at WAPDA Building, Motjheeel.

Ø 2.82 kWp at Chairman Banglo, BPDB.

Ø 6 kWp at Agrabad Bidyut Bhaban, Chittagong.

Ø 1.8 kWp at Cox's BPDB Rest House.

Major solar PV systems implemented in the fiscal year 2011-2012 are as follows:

Ø 37.5 kWp Solar Roof Top System on15th floor of Bidyut Bhaban.

Ø 3 kWp at PC Pole Factory, Chittagong.

Ø 3 kWp at Khagrachori BPDB Rest House.

Ø 2.16 kWp at Swandip Power House and Rest House.

Ø 2.16 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, HatHajari.

Ø 3.12 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Fouzdarhat. 

Ø 3.12 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Rangamati.

Ø 1.6 kWp Solar Power System at Titas 50 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 1.6 kWp Solar Power System at t Baghabari 50 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 1.6 kWp Solar Power System at Bera 70 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 1.5 kWp Solar Power System at Chittagong Power Plant.

Ø 3.5 kWp Solar Power System at Ghorashal Power Plant.

In the fiscal year 2012-2013 BPDB has implemented the following solar PV systems:

Ø 4 kWp Solar Power System at Khulna Power Station.

Ø 1.6 kWp Solar Power System at Faridpur 50 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 1.6 kWp Solar Power System at Goplagonj 100 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Bakolia.

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Pathorghata and Madarbari. 

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Stadium. 

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Agrabad.

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Halishohor.

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Khulshi. 

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Pahartoli.

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Mohora. 

Ø 2 kWp at Distribution Division, Patiya. 

Ø 2 kWp at Distribution Division, Bandarban.

Ø 6 kWp at Regional Civil Construction Division, Medical centre and Magistrate Building.

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Feni. 

Ø 2 kWp at Sales & Distribution Division, Chowmuhuni, Noakhali. 

Ø 1 kWp Solar Power System at the non-residential building and 2 kWp Solar Power System at the residential building of Santahar 50 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 1 kWp Solar Power System at the non-residential building and 2 kWp Solar Power System at the residential building of Katakhali 50 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 1.6 kWp Solar Power System at Dohazari 100 MW Peaking Power Plant.

Ø 27.2 kWp Solar Power System at Chandpur 150 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant.

Ø 25 kWp Grid Tied Power System at Chittagong Power Station.

Ongoing Projects:

v 650 KWp (400 kW load) Solar Mini Grid Power Plant at remote Haor area of Sullah upazila in Sunamgonj district under Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) on turnkey basis.

v 8 MWp Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant at Kaptai Hydro Power Station,at Rangamati on turnkey basis.

v 3 MWp Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant at Sharishabari, Jamalpur on IPP basis.

v 30 MWp Solar Park Project adjacent to new Dhorola Bridge, Kurigram on IPP basis.

v Solar Street Lighting Projects in seven (7) City Corporations of the country.

N.B Installation of Solar Roof Top Systems in all BPDB offices across the country is a continuous process. More than 223 kWp solar PV systems have already been installed and installations of about 407 kWp solar PV systems are under planning/implementing stages.

Projects under Planning:

v Conversion of existing 37.5 kWp Solar System installed on the rooftop of Bidyut Bhaban into 37.5 kWp Grid Tied Solar System

v Conversion of existing 32.75 kWp Solar System installed on the rooftop of WAPDA Bhaban into 32.75 kWp Grid Tied Solar System

Rehabilitation of 10 KWp Solar Power Plant at the Barkal upazilla sadar of Rangamati district.

Ø BPDB has planned to install Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant on IPP basis such as-

i) 1 MW Grid Connected Solar Power Plant at Regional Training Centre (RTC), Rajshahi.

ii) 500 kWp Grid Tied Solar System at 33/11 kV substation's compound of former Hajigonj Electric Supply, Chandpur.

Ø BPDB has planned to install Solar Mini Grid Power Plant on turnkey basis under Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) at remote and inaccessible areas such as-

i) 500 kW Solar Mini Grid Power Plant at Swandip Upazila of Chittagong district.

ii) 500 kW Solar Mini Grid Power Plant at Thanchi Upazila of Bandarban district.

Ø BPDB has planned to implement  Solar Park Projects on IPP/PPP basis under the Roadmap of ADB’s 500 MW Solar Power Mission such as-

i) Rangunia 60 MW Solar Park Project on IPP basis at Karnafuli river side, Rangunia, Chittagong

ii) 40-45 MW Solar Park Project adjacent to Bangabandhu Bridge,Tangail and Sirajgonj area.

iii) 2-3 MW Solar Park Project adjacent to PGCB Grid Sub-station compound, Ishwardi.

iv) 1-2 MW Solar Park Project adjacent to PGCB Grid Sub-station compound, Jhenaidaha.

Wind Power Projects

Implemented Projects:

The potential of wind energy is limited to coastal areas, off-shore islands, rivers sides and other inland open areas with strong wind regime. In order to generate electricity from Wind Energy, BPDB installed 4x225 KW = 900 KW capacity grid connected Wind Plant at Muhuri Dam area of Sonagazi in Feni.

Another project of 1000 KW Wind Battery Hybrid Power Plant at Kutubdia Island was completed in 2008 which consists of 50 Wind Turbines of 20 kW capacity each. 

Ongoing Projects:

Ø Repairing work of the existing 900 kW grid connected Wind Power Project at Muhuri Dam of Sonagazi in Feni is going on.

Ø Repair and operation & maintenance of the existing Kutubdia 1000 kW Wind Battery Hybrid Power Project is underway

Ø Steps have been taken to install 15 MW Wind Power Plant across the coastal regions of Bangladesh after 1 year Wind Resources Assessment in Muhuri Dam Area of Feni, Mognamaghat of Cox’sbazar, Parky Beach of Anwara in Chittagong, Kepupara of Borguna and Kuakata of Patuakhali. Wind Mapping is going on at Muhuri Dam area of  Feni and at Mognamaghat of  Cox’sbazar by Regen Powertech Ltd. of India.

  • Installation of Wind Monitoring Stations at Inani Beach of Cox'sbazar, Parky Beach of Anwara, Sitakundu of Chittagong and at Chandpur under USAID TA project is underway

Projects under Planning:

  • BPDB has planned to implement 50-200 MW Wind Power Project at Parky Beach area, Anawara in Chittagong on IPP basis.
  • Power Division and BPDB have primarily identified 22 potential sites for Wind Resource Mapping in Bangladesh. Wind monitoring stations will be installed at these sites for comprehensive Wind Resource Assessment (WRA).
  • BPDB has also plan to expand On-shore Wind Power Plants along the coastline of coastal regions of Bangladesh.

Hybrid Projects

Ongoing Projects:

Ø 7.5 MW off Grid Wind-Solar Hybrid System with HFO/Diesel Based Engine Driven Generator in Hatiya Island, Noakhali.

Projects under Planning:


Micro/Mini Hydro Projects

Implemented Projects:

Micro/ mini-hydro have limited potential in Bangladesh with exception of Chittagong Hill Tracts region. A 50 kW micro-hydro plant was installed at Barkal Upazila of Rangamati district in 2005.

Ongoing Projects:

Ø 50-70 kW Mohamaya Irrigation-cum-Hydro Power Project at Mirersorai, Chittagong.

Ø Rehabilation of 50 kW Micro-Hydro Power Plant at Barkal Upazila of Rangamati district.

Projects under Planning:

Ø Micro-hydro power projects on the potential streams/charas/rivers of CHT regions will be implemented after detail Feasibility Study.

Energy Efficiency Measures

For energy saving purposes and encourage the use of CFLs by consumers, free CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) Distribution Program in different offices of BPDB along with headquarter has been conducted. CFLs, T-5 tube light instead of incandescent bulb will be installed in all offices of BPDB in different phases. For the efficient use of energy, steps have been taken to encourage/promote the use of heat reflective glasses for Passive Cooling of commercial buildings, Solar Powered Security Lighting in urban buildings and replacement of Diesel/Electric Pumps by Solar Irrigation Pumps, replacement of Electric/Gas Dryer by Solar Dryer, replacement of Electric/Gas Heater by Solar Water Heater among the consumers of distribution zones of BPDB. In addition to that energy efficiency measures, alternative and renewable energy subjects have been introduced in the national Text Book Curriculum of schools, madrasas and colleges. Energy Star labeling Program has been started by BSTI to motivate the users to use energy efficient appliances. Electricity Week Program has already been launched since 2010 with a view to promote energy savings campaigns at consumer and school level. This program is nationally observed on 7th December each year.

Research Activities

Alongside these projects Directorate of Renewable Energy & Research and Development is also continuing it’s own research works in different renewable energy sectors. At this moment engineers of the directorate are constructing fully operational prototype based Wind Turbine System, Hydro Emulator Set, Solar Power Converter. The wind turbine system consists of three different types of turbine technology including horizontal axis and vertical axis turbine. The total capacity of the system is expected to be 200 W depending on wind velocity. Complete design, assembly and installation of the turbine system has been done by the respective engineers. The Hydro Emulator Set will be a small prototype based hydro turbine system which consists of two different type of turbine technology, Pelton wheel and Kaplan turbine. The turbine system will run from a small water reservoir tank. Generation capacity of the two turbines is expected to be 20 W. The complete design of the Emulator Set has been done by the engineers of the respective directorate. The engineers of the directorate are also trying to design Solar Power Converter with innovative ideas and new concept. All the prototypes will be installed at the concern office Lab.    

Implemented Projects Photo   


For any kind of information regarding the activities please feel free to contact us. 

E-mail:  dir.rernd@bpdb.gov.bd or  solarprojects.bpdb@gmail.com 

Telephone: +88029513988, +880295132877, +88029513951

Fax: +88029513988